
Zotero 事件机制

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Zotero 事件机制

Notify 事件是 Zotero 内部的一种事件机制,在包括条目创建修改删除,文件打开关闭,标签页打开选中关闭,同步触发等情况下将发送 Notify 事件。

大部分插件都会用到 Notify 事件,可通过 Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver 添加事件,Zotero.Notifier.unregisterObserver 移除事件。

Notifier 支持的事件类型包括(可能不全):

type Event =
  | "add"
  | "modify"
  | "delete"
  | "move"
  | "remove"
  | "refresh"
  | "redraw"
  | "trash"
  | "unreadCountUpdated"
  | "index"
  | "open"
  | "close"
  | "select";


type Type =
  | "collection"
  | "search"
  | "share"
  | "share-items"
  | "item"
  | "file"
  | "collection-item"
  | "item-tag"
  | "tag"
  | "setting"
  | "group"
  | "trash"
  | "bucket"
  | "relation"
  | "feed"
  | "feedItem"
  | "sync"
  | "api-key"
  | "tab";

源码位置:chrome\content\Zotero\xpcom\notifier.jsopen in new window


declare namespace _ZoteroTypes {
  interface Notifier {
     * @param {Object} [ref] signature {notify: function(event, type, ids, extraData) {}}
     * @param {Array} [types] a list of types of events observer should be triggered on
     * @param {String} [id] an id of the observer used in debug output
     * @param {Integer} [priority] lower numbers correspond to higher priority of observer execution
     * @returns {string}
      ref: { notify: Notifier.Notify },
      types?: Notifier.Type[],
      id?: string,
      priority?: number
    ): string;

为 types 事件设置回调 ref,返回监听器 id。


notifierCallback = {
  notify: async (
    event: string,
    type: string,
    ids: Array<string>,
    extraData: object
  ) => {
    // You can add your code to the corresponding notify type
    if (
      event == "select" &&
      type == "tab" &&
      extraData[ids[0]].type == "reader"
    ) {
      // Select a reader tab
    if (event == "add" && type == "item") {
      // Add an item

let notifierID = Zotero.Notifier.registerObserver(notifierCallback, [


declare namespace _ZoteroTypes {
  interface Notifier {
    unregisterObserver(id: String): void;

取消对应 id 的监听器



触发 Notify 事件



* Trigger a notification to the appropriate observers
* Possible values:
*   event: 'add', 'modify', 'delete', 'move' ('c', for changing parent),
*       'remove' (ci, it), 'refresh', 'redraw', 'trash', 'unreadCountUpdated', 'index'
*   type - 'collection', 'search', 'item', 'collection-item', 'item-tag', 'tag',
*       'group', 'relation', 'feed', 'feedItem'
*   ids - single id or array of ids
* Notes:
* - If event queuing is on, events will not fire until commit() is called
* unless _force_ is true.
* - New events and types should be added to the order arrays in commit()
declare Zotero.Notifier.trigger(event: String, type: String, ids: Number | Number[], extraData?: any, force?: Boolean);

 * Queue an event until the end of the current notifier transaction
 * Takes the same parameters as trigger()
 * @throws If a notifier transaction isn't currently open
declare Zotero.Notifier.queue(event: String, type: String, ids: Number | Number[], extraData?: any, force?: Boolean);


Zotero.Notifier.trigger("add", "tab", [id], { [id]: data }, true);


Zotero.Notifier.commit(queues, (transactionID = true));


const notifierQueue = new Zotero.Notifier.Queue(); // Initialize a notifier queue
// Do something
await Zotero.Notifier.commit(notifierQueue); // Trigger the queued notifies